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Fulfilling your passion for horses

Burnley Towneley Park (10.15 miles 16.23 km )
The Ride was one of two rides created for BHS Ride Out Month 2017 to raise funds to help protect our bridleways. The Mayor of Burnley, Jeff Sumner, supported BHS Lancashire's Ride Out event in Towneley Park and, having never been on a horse before, rode a short distance, watched in amazement by the Mayoress and other park users.Towneley Park, via Burnley Wood, Timber Hill tracks. Riding in the Park is not by right. PLEASE always keep to WALK in the Park. It may be very busy: be alert for loose dogs and children. Respect other users. Riding on the grass is permitted if the ground is firm.
Download:    BurnleyTowneleyParkRideLong.gpx   BHS Ride Towneley Park Long Waypoints.gpx
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