White Nancy Loop (4.98 miles 7.97 km ) Print
The loop may be added to the Middlewood Way Ride or ridden as a separate route.Download: White Nancy Loop.gpx White Nancy Waypoints.gpx
WHNw01 Waypoint 1
1 Turn left out of the carpark on Adlington Road and at the main road turn sharp left onto Round Garden, following roun to the main road. Go straight accross onto Hurst Lane.
WHNw02 Waypoint 2
2 Cross over the canal onto Jackson Lane and follow this to Redway lane on your left.
WHNw03 Waypoint 3
3 Follow the road to the end where it becomes Lidgetts Lane. At the T junction turn left onto the bridleway.
WHNw04 Waypoint 4
4 Follow the bridleway passing the White Nancy Monument and follow it round to the road, turning right and follow you route back to the car park.
WHNw05 Waypoint 5
5 At this point the route joins the Middlewood Way.