Thelwall Ride (6.07 miles 9.71 km ) Print
A short but mainly off road circuit with good going on a permissive bridleway on the banks of Manchester Ship Canal and the Trans Pennine Trail. This was used for a BHS pleasure ride June 2019Download: Thelwall.gpx Thelwall Waypoints.gpx
THELw01 Waypoint 1
Turn right on Star Lane to access the loop. Ride anticlockwise for the best visibility at road crossings.
THELw02 Waypoint 2
Go straight over the cross roads into Pool Lane..
THELw03 Waypoint 3
Where Pool Lane turns sharp left, turn right on a byway through a gap by a locked gate then fork left.
THELw04 Waypoint 4
Permissive Bridleway
Turn left along the canal bank.
THELw05 Waypoint 5
Permissive Bridleway
The permissive bridleway passes under the high Thelwall viaduct.
THELw06 Waypoint 6
When the permissive canalside path ends go over the horse stile and bear left down a road to a T junction
THELw07 Waypoint 7
Turn right at the Pickering Arms pub
THELw08 Waypoint 8
Turn left at the church.
THELw09 Waypoint 9
Cross straight over the main road into a track, then down the access slope to the Trans Pennine trail. Turn right on the trail
THELw10 Waypoint 10
Leave the trail to ride on wide fenced tarmac beside the main road under the Viaduct then bear right to go under the main road. Dismount (mounting blocks) to go under the road then continue on the Trans Pennine Trail.
THELw11 Waypoint 11
Where horse access to the Trail ends turn right onto Star Lane and first left on Statham Avenue back to the parking area.