Settle Loop Print
The ride starts in Settle from the car park [pay for two spaces if used] or the Rugby Club [with permission]. Toilets are at the garage on the opposite side of the Village and food is available in the village. Normally we ride in an anticlockwise direction climbing the road to the track at the top, you can then go down to Malham for lunch, grass and water for the horse, then climb back to the top and continue round to Settle. Great ride in good weather.Download: SettleLoop.gpx Settle Loop Ride Waypoints.gpx
SETx13 Car Park
This is an alternative start. If you occupy two spaces ie box / car and trailer then pay for two spaces, cost for two is about £5.00 per day.The Public Toilets are at the other end of the Town on Church Street..Leave the car park onto Lower Greenfoot towards the next junction. There may be a small amount of traffic.
SETw01 Waypoint 1
Turn left at the road junction into Ingfield Lane, keeping the houses on your left, straight on at the next junction to Commercial Street following the road round.
SETw02 Waypoint 2
Turn right onto Mitchell Lane and the road now starts to climb.
SETw03 Waypoint 3
Bear left at the junction towards Lambert Lane on a fairly level track.
SETw04 Waypoint 4
Turn right at the road junction on High Hill Lane, then bear left at the next junction onto Stockdale Lane and continue to follow this accross the moors.
SETw05 Waypoint 5
Bear right at the junction and continue to follow the track accross the moors towards Malham.
SETw06 Waypoint 6
At this point you may bear righ on Cove Road and go down into Malham for lunch, water and a rest or turn left and start the return journey to Settle.On returning from Malham go straight on towards Settle.
SETw07 Waypoint 7
Turn right and follow the bridleway down to the road and turn left on Chapel Gate towards the village centre.
SETw08 Waypoint 8
You can now rest on the river bank where there is water for the horses, and toilets and cafes accross the road. Lovely stopping place.Continue along the road towards Cove Road.
SETw09 Waypoint 9
Turn left at the junction onto the bridleway and turn right at the next junction to climb back to the main track at the top.
SETw10 Waypoint 10
Continue straight onto the bridleway down into Malham, on returning follow Cove Road towards Landscar Gate.
SETw11 Waypoint 11
Turn left leaving the road onto the bridleway and accross the moors towards Settle.
SETw12 Waypoint 12
Continue straight on, on the Pennine Bridleway
SETw13 Waypoint 13
Follow the Pennine Bridleway as it starts to go down into Settle. Follow the track down to the gate out onto the side of the road, round to the bridleway.
SETw14 Waypoint 14
Follow the road back towards the car park.
SETw15 Waypoint 15
Followeither road bacvk to the car park.