Little Budworth Country Park (5.33 miles 8.53 km ) Print

This is a pretty circuit in an area of lowland heath, but it can be noisy when Oulton Park racing circuit is in use. To see a Video of the route, click here: midlifecrisis

Download:    Little Budworth.gpx   Little Budworth Waypoints.gpx

LITx02 Start
Go through the gate and take the first track off to the right. This turns right and runs parallel to Park Road and comes out at the junction of Park Road and Coach Road.

LITw01 Waypoint 1
Continue on Park Road past Coach Road onto Vicarage Lane and continue through Little Budworth village.
LITw02 Waypoint 2
Turn left at the Church onto Mill Lane and turn left onto the restricted byway.
LITw03 Waypoint 3
Restricted Byway.
At the next road, cross straight over onto another restricted byway and take the second track left, Longston Lane.
LITw04 Waypoint 4
At the cross roads turn left onto Whitehall Lane. This then becomes another track.
LITw05 Waypoint 5
Pass two bridleways on the left, keeping straight on to Coach Road.
LITw06 Waypoint 6
Sandy Track
Cross over Coach Road and turn right on a sandy track running parallel with Coach Road.
LITw07 Waypoint 7
Sandy Track
Turn left on the sandy track at the cross roads, with Beech Road on the opposite side of the Coach Road.
LITw08 Waypoint 8
Sandy Track
Go straight across another sandy track and when the track bears right go straight on down a narrow path to the road.
LITw09 Waypoint 9
Main Road
At the road continue straight ahead using the verge. Take care this is a busy road.
LITw10 Waypoint 10
Turn first left onto Oulton Mill Laneand at the fork bear left. Turn left again onto Beech Lane passing a lake on your left and back to the parking area.