Formby Ride (11.87 miles 18.99 km ) Print
This is a lovely ride with a small amount of road work. On the beach please keep alongside the dunes, not on them, between Nicotine Sandy Path and Lifeboat Road. Do not go to the tide line between these two points. Download: Formby.gpx Formby Waypoints.gpx
FORw01 Waypoint 1
Leave the car park retu8rning to Lifeboat Road and turn left. be wary of traffic.
FORw02 Waypoint 2
After about 180 yds. turn left over a double horse sleeper onto the National Trust bridleway into the woods.
FORw03 Waypoint 3
Follow the blue tipped posts ((bridlewat) to Blundell Avenue (private road).
FORw05 Waypoint 5
Cross Blundell Road going diagonally left onto another bridleway.and follow the track marked with blue tipped posts through the trees, sandy paths and into sand dunes.
FORw06 Waypoint 6
Turn left onto the Nicotine Sandy path and follow the blue tipped markers to the beach.
FORw07 Waypoint 7
For a longer ride turn right on the beach and ride for approximately 3 mls and then retrace your path.
For a shorter ride turn left to return to Lifeboat Road, Do not go to the tide line between these two points
FORw08 Waypoint 8
You can turn left onto Lifeboat Road [traffic free here] or carry straight on along the beach to Sefton Coastal Path and then retrace your route to Lifeboat Road and the car park.
FORw09 Waypoint 9
At Sefton Coastal Path signposted Hoggs Hill, return to Lifeboat Road and the car park.