Cheshire Cheese Loop (24.55 miles 39.28 km ) Print

North Cheshire Riders route created by Laureen. This easy to follow 62km or 69km ride in the green heart of East Cheshire, ideal for first time long distance riders with friends or family on bicycles, opened in May 2012. It follows quiet lanes, bridleways and byways and can be ridden as two separate loops, the �Cheshire Cheese� to the south, 33km or 40km with the extra loop and the northern �Heritage� loop 29km or as a long distance ride over two or three days using the accommodation listed. This is the first long distance route specially designed for �horse and bike� combinations but the route is outstanding for horses, cyclists and walkers. There are few hills to climb and lush scenery to enjoy. Signposting, plus maps and route guides mean you don�t have to worry about losing your way. The Southern �Cheshire Cheese� loop passes through pretty countryside with the green hedged fields and shady trees created for Cheshire dairy cattle. You will still see dairy herds from the route but nowadays many of these acres are used for polo; the magnificent estates of sixteenth century Peover Hall used by General Patton in WW2, Colshaw Hall and New Hall. Some of the tracks are even older such as Booth Bed Lane, a Salter�s Way. This loop is used as a pleasure ride by Sport Endurance every May and in August, from 2011, by Cheshire EGB. These rides are open to all. Why not come along for a taster? To see a video of the ride, click the link: midlifecrisis

Download:    Cheshire Cheese Loop.gpx   Cheshire Cheese Loop Waypoints.gpx

CHCw01 Waypoint 1
Start / Finish
From the Plough and Flail go back down Paddock Hill to the cross roads. Here you will see a Laureen\'s ride sign ahead on Warford Lane. Follow the signs to reach the point where the Heritage and Cheshire Cheese loops meet and turn left onto Ancoates Road.If you wish to extend the loop follow the wayoints 16, 17, 18, and 19. There is alternative parking here for the loop or the small loop could be ridden on its own.
CHCw02 Waypoint 2
2. Keep straight ahead until the track bears left, where you go through the bridle gate on the right into a field, keeping straight ahead through a small wood and another field to a tarmac track. Cross a byway and at t junction turn right and straight over the A537 at Chelford into Pepper Street.
CHCw03 Waypoint 3
After a quarter of a mile take the bridleway on the right and at its end turn right, then immediately left.Alternativley, carry straight on along the road and take the first turn left passing Snelson House, this will increase the lenght of the ride.
CHCw04 Waypoint 4
4. At the next T junction, turn left into Sandhole Lane and straight ahead on a field edge bridleway, which continues in a straight line to the water tower on the horizon. After the water tower ride straight ahead through a field and into a fenced track.
CHCw05 Waypoint 5
5. At the end of that track turn right on Stocks Lane then first left into Grotto Lane.
CHCw06 Waypoint 6
6. Take the next right and ride for one mile, passing Peover Hall.
CHCw07 Waypoint 7
7. Turn right on a bridleway, following this straight ahead for one and a half miles. At the t junction turn right.
CHCw08 Waypoint 8
8. At the cross roads with the A50 go straight over into Townfield lane. At the next junction turn right into Heath Lane which becomes Foxcovert lane. After a mile bear right to a t junction with Free Green Lane where you turn left.
CHCw09 Waypoint 9
9. Take the bridleway on the right in a few yards, following it through the farmyard and on for a mile to the A50.
CHCw10 Waypoint 10
10. Keep on the verge here crossing into Stocks Lane by the Whipping Stocks pub.
CHCw11 Waypoint 11
11. After three quarters of a mile turn left on a bridleway in a poplar wood. After a hundred yards, with a stable yard on your left bear right on tarmac then, by Lower Moss Wood Nature Reserve, take the bridleway on the left.
CHCw12 Waypoint 12
Field Edge Track
12. When this hedged bridleway ends bear right to follow the field edge track to Ash Farm then through the farmyard to Seven Sisters Lane.
CHCw13 Waypoint 13
13. Turn right on Seven Sisters Lane, using the verge and at the A537 go straight across into Marthall Lane.
CHCw14 Waypoint 14
14. After a mile turn left on a bridleway and follow this straight ahead using the bridle gate by the cattle grid. This passes Mount Pleasant farm and crosses a bridge to come out on a tarmac farm lane. Go straight ahead and follow the tarmac right to reach Pedley lane. Turn left on Pedley Lane and then right on Ancoats Lane.
CHCw15 Waypoint 15
If you started the ride at the Plough and Flail turn left onto Noahs Ark Lane and follow the route back the way you came.If you started the ride at one of the other car parks, carry straight onto Ancoates Road.
CHCw16 Waypoint 16
Follow the the road and bear left at the junction and turn left at the end onto a bridleway.
CHCw17 Waypoint 17
Follow the bridleway round under the railway and turn right onto Peover Lane when it joins the road.
CHCw18 Waypoint 18
Follow Peover Lane lane past the alternative parking, turning right over the railway line and bear right at the next road junction onto Mill Lane.
CHCw19 Waypoint 19
Follow the road and take the next turn right and at the fork go left and follow the road back to the T junction, turn right back to the bridleway and turn left following the loop.