Bolton to Moses Gate Country Park (7.06 miles 11.29 km ) Print
This ride is mainly off road through both parts of Moses Gate Country Park. The Farnworth side of the park will normally have more pedestrians so please be aware.Download: BoltotoMosesGateCountryPark.gpx Bolton to Moses Gate Country Park Waypoints.gpx
BOLw01 Waypoint 1
Follow the bridleway across the two bridges, there are mounting blocks for both bridges.
BOLw02 Waypoint 2
After Bolton Flat Green Bowling club, the road turns sharply to the right over the old railway line, then follow round left to the main road. Turn right.
BOLw03 Waypoint 3
Turn left at the first bridleway, sign posted, and follow it to the junction and bear right.
BOLw04 Waypoint 4
Bear right into the woods and follow the bridleway. At the side of the buildings either carry straight on and follow down to the main track, or turn right and follow the track through then turn left along the Tow Path of the old canal down to the junction. for a short ride turn right and follow the track, or go straight on to the Pegasus Crossing.
BOLw05 Waypoint 5
Turn left and follow the track to the next junction or turn right and return towards the car park.
BOLw06 Waypoint 6
Pegasus Crossing.
BOLw07 Waypoint 7
Follow the bridleway to your left through the woods to Knob End and then return.
BOLw08 Waypoint 8
At this point you can now cross the river and follow the track round after the bridge, beware of people walking.
BOLw09 Waypoint 9
Taking the right turn takes you back to the main road, following round to the left keeping the hall on the left and follow the bridleway up the hill. There are Sets [Cobbles] and then the track becomes Tarmac for a short distance.
BOLw10 Waypoint 10
Follow the track round the circle and return. [We are in the process of getting Wilson`s Bridge opened to create a circular route].
BOLw11 Waypoint 11
You can continue straight on to Knob End and return, [we are in the process of getting Wilson`s Bridge open to create a circular route] and return, or turn sharp right and follow the track back using either of the two tracks.
BOLw12 Waypoint 12
BOLw13 Waypoint 13
BOLw14 Waypoint 14
It is possible to park, but would be very difficult to turn round.
BOLw15 Waypoint 15
Go straigh on until you come to the road then turn right and follow the road to the T junction, then turn right up the hill and turn left onto Bembridge Road and right onto Gorses Road and return to the car park, or trurn right and follow the track round to the canal towpath and turn left and follow to the main road and turn right as above.