Burnley Towneley Park (7.53 miles ) Print

The Ride was one of two rides created for BHS Ride Out Month 2017 to raise funds to help protect our bridleways. The Mayor of Burnley, Jeff Sumner, supported BHS Lancashire's Ride Out event in Towneley Park and, having never been on a horse before, rode a short distance, watched in amazement by the Mayoress and other park users.Towneley Park, via Burnley Wood, Timber Hill tracks. Riding in the Park is not by right. PLEASE always keep to WALK in the Park. It may be very busy: be alert for loose dogs and children. Respect other users. Riding on the grass is permitted if the ground is firm.

Download:    BurnleyTowneleyParkRideShort.gpx   Burnley Towneley Park Ride Short Waypoints.gpx

BHSw01 Waypoint 1
Take the track out of the car park and turn left and follow it round to the main hall entrance drive and bear right. Follow this to another car park, use the grass or path at the side of the main hall entrance drive, and turn left along the edge of the car park and follow it up to Woodgrove Road. Turn left and ride to the end turning right onto Outwood Road. Continuue up to Todmorden Road and go straight across onto Huffling Lane.
BHSw02 Waypoint 2
Ride up the hill and immediately after the level crossing take the narrow path on the left, adjacent to the railway line on your left. The path comes out on a road, Rock Lane-turn right and immediately left on to The Kilns.
BHSw03 Waypoint 3
At the fork in the road take the narrow path between the two roads and continue along over the horse stile. Follow the narrow but well used track through the trees with the railway line on your left.
BHSw04 Waypoint 4
After the railway line disappears through a tunnel the path forks - keep left. Pas through the bridle gate and follow the track down to Todmorden Road A 671 . Turn left and after 50 yards cross the road and take the entrance into the park at the right hand end of the layby.
BHSw05 Waypoint 5
After 20 yards turn left on the permissive bridleway riding parallel to the road. At the tarmac track go straight across then bear left. At the next junction turn right onto the tarmac drive signed to the Art Gallery. Go along some distance until you come to a stone building on the left - [The Stables Cafe]. Turn down with the building on your right and come out at the side of Towneley Hall.
BHSw06 Waypoint 6
Ride through the wrought iron gates and turn right. Ride along past the car park to the end and take the left fork onto the track with the playing fields on your left. DO NOT RIDE ON THE PLAYING FIELDS! Ride all the way around 3 sides of the playing fields staying on the track. ( Rough grass may be ridden on.)
BHSw07 Waypoint 7
Towards the end of the 3rd side at the fork take the right fork until you meet a tarmac road. Turn right over the bridge and ride up past the iron gate to the cross road. Turn left and immediately right onto another path around a field. Keep left and ride down to the end. Staying on the path follow it to the left then turn right with the green academy fence on your left.Follow the path to the fork and keep right up hill. Go through the wood and continue up hill. (housing on your left)
BHSw08 Waypoint 8
At the top keep the garden centre on your left and ride up to Springwood Road, turning left.Ride to the main road, Brunshaw Road and turn left.Take the second right MAYFAIR ROAD then turn 2nd left onto Delma Road. At the end immediateley to the right of the Thornton Pub take the track and horse stile.
BHSw09 Waypoint 9
Follow this path down to a fork and take the right fork then at the litter bin and picnic table turn sharp right. Follow this path down to the stream crossing. If you want to use the footbridge please dismount. Once over the stream turn left and ride along with the lake on your left.
BHSw10 Waypoint 10
At the end go straight across on to the bridleway with the private access road on your right and continue with the fence/field on your right, then through the woodland.
BHSw11 Waypoint 11
At the end go over the bridge and turn left. Ride along to the concrete farm road turning left. Continue along with the river on your left until you come to another bridge. Take the bridge over the river and follow the path along to some boulders. Go straight across and follow the next path to a small car park. At the car park take the 2nd path on the left up a slight bank and ride back to the Thornton Arms.
BHSw12 Waypoint 12
Turn right on the road and ride up to the mini roundabout on the main road, Brunshaw Road, turn left and immediately right onto Brunshaw Ave. Opposite Chiltern Ave take the ginnel on the left back into the park.
BHSw13 Waypoint 13
At the fork take the right hand path, then right at the next path. Follow all the way back down the hill to Park Bridge Road. Turn left and and follow the track back to the car park.