Airport Ride [Revised] (8.31 miles 13.29 km ) Print

This add on to Laureens route is not the most exciting route unless you are a plane spotter. Planes don't worry horses surprisingly. I've only had a reaction once when a plane was taking off at our eyeline, it was overhead and gone before before anything happened. I did take mine as a four year old in the company of a nervous rider. Both of them watched calmly as the noisiest plane of the day, a PIA 747 accelerated away next to them. I heard today that the airport is improving the route, so fingers crossed we may get more tracks. They do a lot of work with the local community for PR. As you will see from the maps there aren't many off road routes in that area.

AIRx02 Start / Finish
aureens Ride at the start but anticlockwise. Turn right out of thecar park and keep right at the junction with a pond in the centre.

AIRw01 Waypoint 1
Turn first right on Moss Lane and take the bridleway on the left after Egerton`s Garage.
AIRw02 Waypoint 2
At the end of the bridleway turn right onto Newton Hall Lane then where the main road bears right go left, which is still Newton Hall Lane.
AIRw03 Waypoint 3
At the T junction turn left again onto Davenport Lane, then when Davenport Lane swings left, go straight onto Blakeley Lane
AIRw04 Waypoint 4
Turn first left onto Ostlers Lane, and follow it round to your left where it becomes a bridleway and comes out on Lady Lane by the Airport.
AIRw05 Waypoint 5
Turn left on Lady Lane
AIRw06 Waypoint 6
Permissive Bridleway
Laureens Ride goes straight on here, but stop following the signs to turn right on a permissive bridleway across the end of runway 2 and up the far side to Wood Lane.
AIRw07 Waypoint 7
Turn left on wood lane and then left on Breach House Lane.
At Waypoint 8
the T junction turn left again on Hobcroft Lane and at the next T junction turn left which is Lady Lane once again.
AIRw09 Waypoint 9
Turn right onto Davenport Lane where you pick up the Laureens Ride signs retracing your steps back to the Plough and Flail.