It is planned to establish a Project 2026 for every county in England and Wales.
The county projects will be established according to demand.
If your county is not listed please email expressing your interest and to find out more.
If your county is listed please click on the link to go to the project.
If you are new to Project 2026, try adding paths and editing research records on the Demo maps to see how it works. Scroll down to Demonstration Projects.
South East Region
Berkshire 41 paths (32 submitted)
Buckinghamshire 108 paths (20 submitted)
Hampshire 624 paths (394 submitted)
IoW 2 paths (1 submitted)
Kent 415 paths (109 submitted)
MiltonKeynes 52 paths (14 submitted)
Oxfordshire 92 paths (20 submitted)
Surrey 165 paths (42 submitted)
Sussex 1077 paths (193 submitted)
Demonstration Projects:
You may practise uploading routes and editing research records on these project maps
All information on these sites will ultimately be discarded.
South East Region DemoSE