Uffington White Horse Ride (11.09 miles 17.74 km ) Print

UFFx02 Start / Finish
Leave Maddle Farm and turn right onto the byway, and bear right, then turn right to climb the hill, Whit Coombe.

UFFw01 Waypoint 1
At the top of the hill turn left and keep by the hedgeline and alongside a wood.

UFFw02 Waypoint 2
Go through a gap and follow the track to the Ridgeway.

UFFw03 Waypoint 3
Turn right on the Ridgeway and then almost immediately left on to another bridleway.This passes Uffington Hill Fort on the left and the White Horse on the right as the path curves left down to Dragon Hill road.

UFFw04 Waypoint 4
Dragon Hill Road
Go left beside Dragon Hill Road and through a gate by a cattle grid.

UFFw05 Waypoint 5
Turn left at the end back to the Ridgeway and turn right onto the Ridgeway.

UFFw06 Waypoint 6
After passing Waylands Smithy cross a road at Ashbury Folly.

UFFw07 Waypoint 7
At the next cross roads turn left on a track.

UFFw08 Waypoint 8
The track curves downhill to meet tarmac at Ashdown House. Follow the road to the T junction.

UFFw09 Waypoint 9
At the T junction turn right and follow the road ignoring the first bridleway sign on your left.

UFFw10 Waypoint 10
Turn left at a bridleway that crosses the road and go straight up Weathercock Hill.

UFFw11 Waypoint 11
At the top of the hill bear right keeping the fence line on your right to meet a track downhill at the far side.

UFFw12 Waypoint 12
At the bottom of the hill, turn right returning to Maddle Farm.