Swettenham (4.28 miles 6.85 km ) Print

SWE2w01 Waypoint 1
From the Swettenham Arms go back to the road [or pass the Swettenham Arms from loop 1] and turn right.

SWE2w02 Waypoint 2
When the road ends, continue straight on through a gate onto the bridleway.

SWE2w03 Waypoint 3
Cross the river and through a gate, crossing straight over the A54.

SWE2w04 Waypoint 4
Take the permissive Bridleway on the left as you reach Brereton Heath Nature Reserve. Follow this round and at a junction of tracks turn right.

SWE2w05 Waypoint 5
At the road turn right.

SWE2w06 Waypoint 6
For loop 2 turn right again and retrace your steps to the Swettenham Arms. For loop 3 Go straight over at the cross roads onto a Restricted Byway.