Yorkshire Dales Rides - Richmond Link (Ride 1) Print
Richmond to Marske Waypoint 1
R and after few yards along road, L down BW until T-junction with surfaced road.
Richmond to Marske Waypoint 2
R along road (BW) past High Leases onto unsurfaced track, down and through Whitcliffe Wood, through HG at end, across meadow keeping to grassy track passing fort up on the right.
Richmond to Marske Waypoint 3
Continue west, through a series of 5 BGs, ignoring accesses to East, High andLow Applegarth.
Richmond to Marske Waypoint 4
Cross over footpath junction with signpost and continue west through BG and HG and past West Applegarth RHS.
Richmond to Marske Waypoint 5
Through next open G (note stone trough on right), uphill and along (past cairn marker for Coast to Coast path) and continue to end of BW.
Richmond to Marske Waypoint 6
At road, L (watch for downhill traffic from R), continue downhill and along till Marskecircular is reached.
Richmond to Marske Waypoint 7
Marske Circular Ride is reached.At road, L (watch for downhill traffic from R), continue downhill and along till Marskecircular is reached.