PLAP Route 12 - Arden Great Moor, North Yorkshire (12 miles) Print

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 1
Leave the Square Corner Car Park following signs for The Cleveland Way, continuing (through the gate) for approximately half a mile, passing a footpath on your left and a bridleway on your right. The track gradually reduces in width and becomes considerably steeper as you climb towards the plateau at the top. This has recently been resurfaced with loose chalk stone, which should compress in time but is at present rough and relatively demanding to a driven horse or pony.

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 2
On leaving the plantation on your right the surface improves considerably, and you soon find yourself on level going, with amazing views on both sides. Continue following the track signed Cleveland Way (note the change of direction at White Head Gill) until reaching the information board at which you turn left.

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 3
Follow the gated stone track in an eastward direction towards Hawnby. This starts to gradually descend into the valley parallel to the start of the plantation on your left, and becomes steeper after you pass the quarry. Continue down Arden Bank until you reach the tarmac road.

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 4
At Arden Hall, remain on the tarmac road passing the Estate Office at Hawnby Lodge on your left. Do not turn off this road until reaching The Inn.

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 5
At the next two junctions, turn left, the first signed Osmotherley, and the second Snilesworth, and continue up a narrow road for a short way (\'blind summit\' warning) before returning to unfenced moorland. Note: although this is narrow and steep, there are places where you can walk on the grass. At Sunley Slack where a number of different tracks converge there is a parking area.

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 6
Continue along an unfenced tarmac road, passing firstly Hazel Heads, an open grass area with an information board, then over a bridge with 10 percent ascent/descent marked as a ford.

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 7
Continue on several sharp bends followed by a cattle grid with side gate. Be aware that along this section there are several steep inclines.

PLAP12 Arden Great Moor Waypoint 8
Bear right and continue up the steep hill to the next junction follow sign to Osmotherly. The road takes you once again through unfenced moorland (where parking might be possible) and back to Square Corner Car Park.