Chieveley Circuit Print

Waypoint 1
CHIw01 1
Start and finish.Parking by arrangement. Ring Janice Bridger 01635 200507;

Waypoint 2
CHIw02 2
Horse friendy bridleway bridge with solid high parapets. Mounting blocks either end. Good bridge to introduce horse to crossing busy roads. Bridge won at public inquiry in 2000 by BHS, Ramblers and West Berks Council.

Waypoint 3
CHIw03 3
This bridge is more scary but it has high parapets. Mounting blocks at either end

Waypoint 4
CHIw04 4
Red Lion Pub open at time of writing

Waypoint 5
CHIw05 5
Ride past the Recreation Centre

Waypoint 6
CHIw06 6
Ride past Pointers Close and Freshfields Lane. Turn left into Bardown (may not be signed)..

Waypoint 7
CHIw07 7
At the time of writing, most of these houses have been demolished

Waypoint 8
CHIw08 8
Ride on field edge path and then onto track between hedges

Waypoint 9
CHIw09 9
Take care- sight lines not always good on this stretch of road

Waypoint 10
CHIw10 10
Pub closed at time of writing

Waypoint 11
CHIw11 11
On meeting main road, turn left onto road, then take the restricted byway on the right after about 50 metres. Sight lines good.

Waypoint 12
CHIw12 12
Where trac ks split, take the higher left hand track, not the track that goes into a hollow between banks.

Waypoint 13
CHIw13 13
Ride over M4 on byway bri.dge. No traffic on bridge

Waypoint 14
CHIw14 14
Follow minor tarmac road to Doctors Lane

Waypoint 15
CHIw15 15
Ride a few metres along Doctors Lane and then take gravel path alongside Priors Court Rd. This is a bridlway (but unmarked).

Waypoint 16
CHIw16 16
At end of gravel path, cross over Priors Court Rd with care and follow the tarmac road which goes through the MOD camp and turns into stoney path (Crabtree Lane)