Yorkshire Dales Rides - Carlton Rides (Ride 4) Print

Carlton Circular Waypoint 1

North then L at T-junction at Penhill Farm (straight on if using alternative ), follow downhill, and L at sign to West Burton. Track level for about 2 miles, then series of stony descents, becoming surfaced before crossing bridge over Walden Beck.

Carlton Circular Waypoint 2

L and straight on uphill into West Burton, keeping L with green on R then fork L uphill (to Walden only), keeping L at next junction down and across Walden Beck and on to bridleway sign on L.

Carlton Circular Waypoint 3

L up bridleway (note preserved kiln chimney on R), long steep and stony climb. R after 1st gate, up stony track and after 180 yards take left at fork, continuing uphill now grassy track with gill down to left passing bridleway sign on L, then again becoming a steep and stony track, keeping wall on LHS, until levelling off at plateau (cairn), straight on single track till gate.

Carlton Circular Waypoint 4

Continue along single track, through next gate, starting gradual descent between 2 cairns, descending more steeply, keeping fence on RHS until Howden Lodge comes in sight, joining the Howden track to cross the stream, and around Howden Lodge.

Carlton Circular Waypoint 5

Can take gate to the R immediately after Howden Lodge as alternative, which meets up with circular at 6, or straight on along double track through horse gate, becoming grassy, through further horse gate (open), then stony descent to T-junction.

Carlton Circular Waypoint 6

L and L again through Carlton village, and L at telephone kiosk, up through gate, along track through next double gate, uphill and through gate adjacent to building on RHS, down field with wall on RHS, steep descent into Micklethwaite Gill and up to gate.

Carlton Circular Waypoint 7

Through gate, L up field track to horse gate, then straight on and down through next horse gate, across gravelled track, across stream, up and straight on along stony then firmer single track across Melmerby Moor, crossing further double track and downhill to road, then R to start point 1 (or continue downhill to Penhill Farm and R to alternative Parking).