DemoWales Project 2026 - Introduction and Help


The CROW Act 2000 contains legislation which extinguishes all historical Rights of Way that are not recorded on the definitive map by 2026.

Project Aim

The aim of our volunteer-led project is to ensure that, as far as possible, all unrecorded rights of way have been researched, and necessary steps taken to protect those rights from being extinguished on 1 January 2026. That will usually mean making an application to add unrecorded rights to the Definitive Map and Statement of Public Rights of Way for the relative highway authority and having the application recorded on the authority's register of applications.

Project Organisation

  • The Project is being coordinated by the British Horse Society working closely with the Ramblers and other user groups.
  • The project is being managed online via an interactive map of possible unrecorded routes.
  • Any volunteer can join the project and contribute directly with giving any information about "lost" or unrecorded routes.
  • We welcome anyone, including walkers, riders, historians and cyclists to help.

Getting Started

To become involved visit

The project is organised based on an Interactive Map of identified unrecorded routes.

We will welcome information from walkers to add routes that are either ridden or walked as we collaborate closely with the Ramblers.
On the web map, select your place of interest via the Search Box, or zoom manually to your place of interest.

The Research Record (for a route):

Virtual Library:

If a cloud-based library of images of evidence sources (documents and maps, e.g. inclosure awards) has been created for the county, a link is provided to it.

The availability of the Virtual Library will vary from county to county


The level of anyone's involvement is purely dependent upon your available time and abilities.

Please do contribute as much or as little as you wish. The list below will give you some guidance (simplest first).

1. Let us know of any routes in your area that you believe have been used historically as roads or bridleways and which are not recorded (on the Definitive Map) as byway orbridleway . Footpaths may also not be recorded, or old roads and bridleways may wrongly be recorded as footpath.

You may find these routes from your own knowledge of your area or by looking at old and current documents.

2. Find out a bit more about the history of these routes from other people in the area.

3. Do more serious research by checking the route(s) against old maps and other documents (with reference to the guidance given in 'Rights of Way Restoring the Record' (Bucks and Wadey)

4. Record all your findings on the Research Record page for each route - this is MOST IMPORTANT.

5. Consider preparing and submitting an application for a Definitive Map Modification Order for a route or routes.

Help and Guidance

Further help and guidance is available on the Project Map pages.

Please let us know of any technical issues you encounter.

Please contact us at any time for further help and advice or if you think the form or could be improved.

